The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step II Online (Form Q)
Don't like being put into one of 16 boxes? How about 1,000,000?
So you've taken the Myers-Briggs® instrument, understand psychological type, and now want a more personalized, in-depth report. You're in the right place. You can take the most researched personality test online. Click here to see the list of action sponsors/beneficiaries. See the sample report below. If you have questions, call (858) 571-3931 or write
Step II breaks the 4 scales into 20 subscales
Many people are dissatisfied with the four scale model. Sometimes it's hard to decide if you're an Extravert or an Introvert. Many report, "It depends on the situation." If that's you, then this is the test that will give you clarity.
Get the missing insights
This is my favorite version of the MBTI® test and the one I use for coaching. Take a look at the sample and see how detailed it is. You'll finally be able to figure out why you've taken the MBTI or Keirsey personality test five times and still can't be sure what your type is. Here's the way to get some answers now. Take the online assessment, and have your results within an hour or two.
Most people are a mixture on a least one of the scales. Many people have 2 or 3 subscales on one side, one in the middle, and one on the opposite. You will finally understand why the Keirsey just can't cut it. When you need individual results, tailored to the way you really are, you need the Step II.
Free phone consultation included
You will receive a phone consultation along with your report. You can ask questions, get in-depth explanations for any confusing issues, or just learn more about what your results mean for you.
How to take your Myers-Briggs Step II:
Use our secure server to pay with your credit card. You will then be automatically logged into the test site to begin. After you finish, you will receive your personal report via e-mail. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your report (Download it for free at Turnaround time is usually within a few hours, depending on your time zone and the time of day. On rare occasions, it can take up to 12 hours for your report to arrive. Your assessment includes a phone consultation. Attention AOL users: Using AOL's browser will result in error messages. Please use Netscape Navigator 4.72 or later versions (except 6.0), or Internet Explorer 4.01 or later versions to take your test.
MBTI Step II Expanded Interpretive Report $110 - View

This is the newly revised questionnaire with an 18 page report and the 20 subscales. For those who already have some experience with personality tests and types, this assessment gives far more details than the basic report. In particular, for those who cannot decide which side of a scale fits best, this report gives the clearest distinctions. You will learn about your communication style, how you make decisions, manage conflict, and confront change. This test has 144 questions, takes about 20-30 minutes to complete, requires an 8th grade reading level, and is suitable for 18 yr. olds and above.
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