
Participant comments from some of my training sessions:

"Best seminar I've been to in 26 years of work." Jerry Burke, Montana Dept. of Environmental Quality

"Only seminar I ever attended that I didn't check my watch. Thorough. Organized. Informative." Robyn Bratton, City of Big Bear Lake.

"Brian was very knowledgeable, interesting, and used humor to keep the room alive." Julie McGuire, Pacific Scientific

"I liked the way Brian got the audience involved. It kept it easy to stay interested." Larry Sax, ULine

"Brian was very knowledgeable and presented useful information, while holding the audience's attention. I really enjoyed the seminar and look forward to using my newly learned skills when I return to the office!" Christa Tasker, The Frantz Group.

"Brian was very good; clear, concise, and fun." Chris Conforti, WestVaco

"Brian kept my attention and made the training session fun and easy to understand. Many seminar leaders find it difficult to keep the audience's attention. His style makes him truly enjoyable. Thank you so much!!" Lisa London, Lake County Courthouse

"Brian did an excellent job of covering the topics and involving the participants." Dr. Donald Zoltan, Sports Medicine and Ortho. Center

"I'm really pleased we had an overqualified, experienced speaker (Brian Jones) who knew his STUFF." Benjean Lara, Guaranteed Landscape Serv.

"Very useful, positive, and informative." Gary Slaney, Chambers & Owen

"Enjoyed it very much. It was very informative!" Brenda Onken, Chief Industries, Inc.