Organization's approach to working with partners

Partnership Management 

How do we Develop Programmes

The question is often asked in Organization (and by Organization partners) “What does Organization actually mean by 'partnership' ?” The term implies an equal relationship between Organization and the local organisations through which we often work to implement programmes. But Organization’s financial dominance can make it a less equal relationship. So how do we ensure that it is a true partnership? And what makes a really effective partnership?
In her short paper ‘Organization’s Approach’ Barbara Stocking stresses that for selecting partners:
“There are few predetermined criteria other than the commitments to equality, participation by people themselves and financial probity”
Beyond these principles, it is the programme team on the ground who must make a judgment, based on the context and the particular programme in question - and on their own local knowledge and experience - about the appropriateness of a particular partner.
There is no easy formula which can be applied in all circumstances as to what constitutes a good partner and how to work with them, although there some guidelines can be given below for what to consider when choosing partners. 
Organization programme practitioners will have experienced working with partners varying enormously in size and type; small community groups, large, multi-faceted, national organisations, civil society organisations, charities, religious groups, governments, producer co-operatives etc etc. Many programme teams have had to instigate and nurture partner organisations in countries emerging from conflict or repressive regimes where civil society was repressed. For each type of partner and each set of circumstances there are appropriate ways of engaging with the partner and managing the relationship.
To make these judgments, the programme team needs to have - or to draw on - a strong understanding of the local political, economic and social context and how the project/partner relates to other NGOs and potential partners. They need to consider at the outset, what are the objectives of the project and of the partnership? Does this partner have the right skills, qualities, structure, capacity and so on in this particular context and at this particular time, to achieve those objectives working alongside Organization?