Stefano De Santis

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With Shiva Kumar
Stefano introduces Eugad anf how it was conceived
I was fascinated by the MDGs because it is a shared agenda of the whole world. We see the community moving globally. 1
This is fascinating, especially in times like ours where it seems there is a clash of civilization and so little space is given in the news that we as a community share a very important agenda.
Very little space is given to good news but much more is given for bad news
Make a documentary which is not for just for the European public but is it a shared agenda, just like the MDGs.
I would like your help to let me identify what is the relevant materiel, what is the purpose. So that when I see projects on the field I do not only see the changes at the local level but I would also like to explain to the public why those changes which happened at the local level are part of an overall process which is unfolding.


See an Interview to Stefano De Santis, published on Azione Non Violenta, Giugno 2009, pages 18-20, Italian language:  Intervista a Stefano De Santis - Alla ricerca del virile, del femminile e del dialogo tra culture (by Wilma Massucco) and mentioned also on the book Femminilità virile tra mito e storia, by Letizia Lanza, Puntoacapo Editrice