Ideas for Development - blog of heads of International Development Agencies
Abhijit Banerjee & Ruimin He "Making Aid Work". MIT, 2003.
Abhijit Baerjee "Making Aid Work". Boston Review, March/April 2007.
Millions Saved A compilation of case studies of successful foreign assistance by the Center for Global Development.
Aidharmonisation.org - working towards greater aid effectiveness
German Development Institute - the German think tank of development aid
The US and Foreign Aid Assistance from globalissues.org looks at issues such as aid targets, and numbers, the effectiveness of aids, and the politics of aids; who it really benefits, etc.
European Network on Debt and Development brings together NGOs from across Europe to monitor aid's impacts on poverty, produce research and conduct advocacy.
African Voices A project aimed at improving EC Development Aid to Africa, through brining African civil society voices to policy makers in Europe.
Euforic makes information on Europe's development cooperation more accessible