Support to development actions, to be implemented by Non-State-Actors (NSA) or Local Authorities (LA), in close cooperation with the local communities and the most vulnerable population groups, aiming at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries.



Development Sectors

Development Activities



Objectives and priority issues of this call for proposals


The specific objective of this call for proposals is to support actions presented by Non-State Actors[1] which aim at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries. Those actions must have a global, multi-country character. Priority will be given to actions with a multi-actor approach comprising activities aiming at:


(i)                  improving the capacity of Non-State Actors from partner countries to engage in local, national and international decision making processes;

(ii)                improving linkages, partnerships and networking (North-South and South-South) between Non-State Actors and Local Authorities from the European Community and from the partner countries (thematic fora, coordination, consensus building, advocacy, communication and information systems, etc.);

(iii)               providing innovative service delivery and service delivery in difficult/out of reach environments;

(iv)              facilitating interaction and exchanges between State and Non-State Actors in different contexts and

(v)                reinforcing the role of Non State Actors and Local Authorities in decentralisation processes.


Moreover, a specific financial envelope[2] of EUR 1.000.000 is available (see section 1.3.) for actions promoting fair trade. These actions may consist in the development of new fair trade products, technical assistance and capacity building (e.g. on European SPS standards, rules of origin, as well as the growing number of corporate standards), increasing added-value to products, support to credit facilities for fair trade producers (in this context please note that the additional eligibility criteria and conditions for actions in the field of microfinance apply – see point 2.1, footnote 8) and support to the distribution of fair trade products on local markets, with special emphasis on actions implemented by women.


Considering that there is a clear need to strengthen the capacity of local organisations in developing countries, inform citizens about their rights, increase their capacity to understand government policies and their implications on poverty and inequality, as well as the internal and international context in which decisions affecting their daily life are being taken, all actions to be supported under this programme must include an element of capacity building.


Actions should have a global, multi-country or regional character and must take place in at least two partner countries. Priority will be given to actions covering ‘Least Developed Countries’ (LDCs) as defined by the OECD in the DAC List of ODA Recipients as of 1 January 2009, and in particular in those LDCs which are not included in the list of targeted countries for in-country interventions[3].


All actions should be based on an initiative of local partners and should ensure their involvement during all stages of the implementation of the action. Actions proposed by NSA originating from the European Union must be based on an established and effective partnership with local organisations (NSA and/or LA) in the partner countries where the actions are taking place. Equally, actions proposed by NSA from a partner country must be carried out in close cooperation with partners (NSA and/or LA) established in the other country/ies where the actions are taking place.


Whenever possible, particular attention should be paid to cross-cutting issues contributing to the achievement of the global objective of poverty reduction, such as the promotion of human rights, gender equality, rights of children and elderly people, rights of persons with disabilities, environment and climate change, as well as fight against HIV/AIDS. Whenever relevant, actions have to clearly demonstrate how these issues have and will be been taken into account in their design, implementation and monitoring. At the same time, principles such as empowerment, participation, non-discrimination of vulnerable groups and accountability must also be adequately taken into account.

1.3       Financial Allocation provided by the European Commission

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals from the 2008 budget is EUR 32.916.000 (EUR 31.916.000 from budget-line 21.03.01 and EUR 1.000.000 from budget-line 20.02.01).  

Subject to the decision of the Budgetary Authority and subsequent Commission Decision, a similar additional amount may be allocated to this Call for Proposals from the 2009 budget.

The European Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds. Equally, these amounts could be increased should more funds become available.


Indicative financial envelope by geographic area  


§         ACP countries and Cuba :                                         61 %         EUR 20.078.000

§         Countries in Latin America:                                       22 %         EUR   7.242.000

§         Countries in Asia:                                                     10 %         EUR   3.292.000

§         Countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia                    7 %         EUR   2.304.000
and the Middle East and Mediterranean countries


Please note that the specific financial envelope of EUR 1.000.000 available for actions promoting fair trade is not subject to any geographic priority.


Where the financial envelopes indicated above cannot be used due to insufficient quality or number of proposals received, the European Commission reserves the right to reallocate the remaining funds to another geographic area or to fund other components of the thematic programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”.


Size of grants


Any grant awarded under this programme must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:


·         minimum amount: EUR      500.000

·         maximum amount: EUR  4.000.000[4]


- For proposals submitted by Non-State Actors from a partner country the grant may not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the action (see also section 2.1.4). The balance (i.e. the difference between the total cost of the action and the amount requested from the EC) must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund.

- For proposals submitted by European Non-State Actors, the grant may not exceed 75% of the total eligible costs of the actions (see also section 2.1.4). The balance (i.e. the difference between the total cost of the action and the amount requested from the EC) must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund.

2.      Rules FOR thIS call for proposalS

These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of actions financed under this call, in conformity with the provisions of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions.


The majority of terms used in the present guidelines are explained in the Glossary to the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions.


The aforementioned Practical Guide and the Glossary can be consulted at the following Internet address:     


In addition to the Glossary, the following definitions apply to the present guidelines:

Partnership                 the grouping of organisations i.e. the main applicant and its partners for the purpose of implementing the proposed action


Applicant                    the lead organisation within the partnership, responsible for submitting the application


Partner                       member organisation of the partnership other than the applicant


Associate                    organisation that plays an active role in the action but which cannot benefit from funding under the grant


Subcontractor             organisation identified and contracted by the beneficiary or its partner(s) in accordance with the appropriate procedures in order to execute specific tasks in implementing the action


Re-granting                financial support that can be given to third parties by the beneficiary of the Community grant under specific conditions defined in the Article 120 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities and the Article 184a of the Rules for the implementation of the Financial Regulation[5]


2.1       Eligibility criteria[6]

There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to:


·         applicants which may request a grant (2.1.1), and their partners (2.1.2),

·         actions for  which a grant may be awarded (2.1.3),

·         types of cost which may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant (2.1.4).

2.1.1       Eligibility of applicants: who may apply?

(1) In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:

·         be legal persons and

·         be non profit making and

·         be nationals[7] of a Member State of the European Union or of one of the partner countries in which the action will take place and

·         be Non-State Actors[8] (NSA) constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned. NSA must have been registered for at least five years at the time of the submission of an application and

·         be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary and

·         be able to demonstrate that they have regularly carried out activities in the field of development of the kind covered by this programme at least during the last five years at the time of the submission of an application.

 (2) Potential applicants may not participate in calls for proposals or be awarded grants if  they are in any of the situations which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (available at the address indicated at the beginning of section 2).

In part A, section III of the grant application form (“Declaration by the applicant”), applicants must declare that they do not fall into any of those situations.


2.1.2       Partnerships and eligibility of partners


Given the character of this programme and its multi-actor approach, working in partnership is a prerequisite for the success of the actions.

All actions must be based on an initiative of local organisations (NSA and/or LA) in the partner countries where the actions will take place and should ensure their involvement during all stages of the implementation of the action.


For actions presented by a European NSA, partnership with local actors (NSA and/or LA) in each of the partner countries where the proposed action is going to take place, is obligatory. Projects must respond to an initiative from at least one of these local partners.

Actions presented by NSA from a partner country must be carried out in close cooperation with partners (NSA and/or LA) established in the other partner country/ies in which the actions will take place.

Apart from these requirements, it is understood that more than one European partner (NSA and/or LA) may participate in any given action. Equally, there may be more than one partner organisation in the individual partner countries (NSA and/or LA) in which the action will take place.

Eligibility of partners:


Applicants’ partners participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the grant Beneficiary.


Non-State Actors[9] must therefore satisfy the same eligibility criteria as applicants with the exception that there is neither a minimum time limit with regard to the registration of the organisation, nor a minimum limit with regard to the years of experience required.  However, they must have adequate experience in the field of development, and, in particular, in the sector of the action concerned.


Local Authorities (or associations of Local Authorities[10]) must be constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned. They must be able to demonstrate that they have regularly carried out activities in the field of development of the kind covered by this programme.


Furthermore, in duly justified cases and if necessary in the interest of the action, Ministries (notably Ministries of Health or Education or decentralised departments of these Ministries) may also act as local partners. However, for actions presented by European actors, local Ministries may never be the only partner for an action. Given their status, there are no other specific eligibility criteria for Ministries and no supporting documents have to be supplied (see section 2.4.)


[1]      Please note that under this specific call for proposals only applications presented by Non-State Actors can be taken into consideration.        
A separate call for proposals for applications presented by Local Authorities is being published simultaneously

[2]      Please note that the possibility to finance fair trade actions under this call for proposals is not limited to this specific financial envelope. Actions aiming at the promotion of fair trade can also be considered under the general priorities of this call, in particular point (iii). The funds for this specific financial envelope originate from budget line 20.02.01 (External Trade Relations, including access to markets of non-Community countries).

[3]      For the partner countries eligible under this call for proposals, please refer to annex I, attached to the present Guidelines for grant applicants. For ease of reference, LDCs for which no in-country interventions are foreseen are earmarked with an asterisk.           
For the list of ‘Least Developed Countries’ (LDCs) please consult the OECD website at the following address:   
The list of the targeted countries with in-country interventions can be found in the Annual Action Programme for 2008, Action Fiche I, at the address indicated under footnote 1.

[4]  When submitting proposals please bear in mind the limited funds available for certain geographic areas / thematic issue.





[6] Please note that additional eligibility criteria and conditions will apply for actions in the field of microfinance. There are specific requirements with regard to the applicant and the partner in the field as well as with regard to the types of action which can be funded under this programme. Please refer to annex H which regroups all additional criteria for actions in the field of microfinance.



[7]      For NSA, the nationality is determined on the basis of the organisation’s statutes which should demonstrate that it has been established by an instrument governed by the law of the country concerned. In this respect, any legal entity whose statutes have been established in another country cannot be considered an eligible organisation, even if it is registered locally or accompanied by a “Memorandum of Understanding”.

[8]      Non-State Actors include: non governmental organisations, organisations representing indigenous peoples, organisations representing national and/or ethnic minorities, local traders' associations and citizens' groups, cooperatives, trade unions, organisations representing economic and social interests, organisations fighting corruption and fraud and promoting good governance, civil rights organisations and organisations combating discrimination, local organisations (including networks) involved in decentralised regional cooperation and integration, consumer organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious associations and communities, the media and any non governmental associations and independent foundations, including independent political foundations.


[9]  Exceptionally and when duly justified, entities based in the partner country concerned which do not have legal personality under the applicable national law may be considered eligible to participate in the Action as partner organisation, provided that the representatives of these entities have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf and assume financial liability.

[10]    This term includes networks of associations of Local Authorities: a group of associations with a permanent representative body established as an autonomous organisation in accordance with the laws in force in the country concerned. It must comply with all the eligibility criteria laid down, and must be able to assume full contractual responsibility for the actions undertaken, based on a mandate from the members of the network. The network must have the capacity to manage an action of the scale of that which is being proposed.