India - Krishnamurti Foundation - Rural School and Hospital

Learning to share learning

Varanasi, India

November 2010

Playlist on Youtube

Episode 1 - MDG 1 - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 

Episode 6 - MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases


This scene shows how educators in India are contributing to the Second MDG that aims at achieving primary universal education for all children. We will take the example of one particular educational institute where the educators are trying to achieve this goal without the direct help of EU funds.

The story showcases the Krishnamurti Foundation which runs a private boarding school where it generates profits with which they find a rural school and hospital. It was with a feeling of responsibility towards the community around says Prof. Krishna, that motivated Krishnamurti to start the rural institutions.

But how do the village people perceive this help? In this very interesting documentary we discover how people can sometimes become accustomed to aid and not value it in the same degree at which they earlier used to. but should this stop is from helping them

In this scene, we try to understand if we as individuals can contribute in any way to the achievement of primary education for all. In the scene, we will focus on the success story of one particular education center. And see how the educators here were able to achieve primary education for the poor people of the local villages. We will do this by:

  • interviewing the educators

  • evaluating the impact they achieved with their work

  • understanding if their work is really benefiting the target population and how it is contributing in a larger way too. 


The rich school and the poor school, can we do it?  Can we help the chilldren excluded to be included in education? Can the educators cope with the challanges?

  • In the middle of a city but out of the the ordinary world. Searching for knowledge. Is there a place of tranquillity and peace?  Or is it a battlefied for ideals?  Neighborhood, sharing a place ...  and a hope.

Through this scene, Iwe want the audience to be aware of how high Indian ideals relate to social realities; see how  is is possible to "do something" to make a change; how problems do not discourage believers; and document the success stories of some authentic persons who are contributing justice and learning.

New footage: 

Visual Tour of the area: The school and the field nearby. Other Camera Operations. One shot will be done from the car (or from the cycle rickshaw). Will drive through the school gate.




Sanjivan Hospital

Seva done for waking up the consciousness that providing health services to all is everybody's duty.


General objective: To show who are the people, institutions and organizations working for the MDGs:

  1. portray their stories,
  2. see what their projects deliver 
  3. if their work really benefits the target populations and impacts on wider social settings.

Specific objective:  This scene wants to portray one institution in Varanasi, India, that is working towards the achievement of child health through combatting diseases affecting children in the rural areas of India.

We will try to analyze who are the people working for this institution, what is it that motivated them to work in this field, what they have achieved so far and most importantly where does the aid come from?. We will also try to verify the pre-supposition that most aid comes from the west. 


The focus in the scene is:

  • To analyze the challenges of working in the field of health for an Indian NGO by portraying their story and what their project delivers.

  • To analyze the direct and side impact of foreign aid given to this institution. To challenge the presupposition that this aid is wasted or misused and to verify if the aid is coming mostly from the west.

The story here is Front-stage.

We are giving the ongoing status of the MDGs related to reducing child mortality and combatting various diseases affecting children in the rural areas of India.

How much can individuals do to help? Is it possible to work in a global way to improve the health systems in India? Is aid the solution for solving this problem? What's the responsibility of individuals?

What is the "drama"  Infant mortality in rural India is still high and kids still die from diseases that can be prevented through modern medicine. People in Indian villages have very little awareness about diseases that cause infant mortality and affect child health, the symptoms and effects of such diseases and the way to treat thm. Access to health in terms of hospitals and facilities are missing in many parts of India.  

What is that creates suspense?  Can we understand the implications of doing "seva" to the poor?  Is it a "secret" ?

What is the "atmosphere"?   There is human suffering here.  There is  question of basic human dignity and rights here. Where is the Sanjivan Hospital located? Inside the fields?  Or inside the ideals? 

What alternative views, facts or ideas does the audience need to understand?  The audience needs to understand how responsible people in India are taking care of the disadvantaged and marginalised. Education and health services: are these rights or gifts? And if they are rights, whose duty is it to ensure and protect these rights?

What evidence will you show to get the audience to see those different truths?   Do the villagers see this issue in the same way that the managers at Krishnamurti see it?  Let's find out ...

What facts must the audience gather by watching it ?  That some people take up the responsibility of taking care for others.  
Ultimately through this scene, I want the audience to feel :  Some people are taking care. And you who are watching the TV, don't you feel also some responsibility?  Why don't you contribute?

and to understand that   most of the media attention is on city life and does not take in consideration the aspirations and the suffering of rural people.



Does Poverty Empower


]P. Krishna



Swami Amritananda

What is Sewa?


Negativity of Benificiaries



Causes of Diseases in the Area



Swami Chidananda

Role of Educators in achieving Universal Primary Education




Interview for the Krishnamurti Foundation Scene



Interviews as Pundits

Swami Chidananda

World Citizenship


Why should I feel resposible for the poors



Say of Local Communities on Use of Aid


MDGs to You



Local Commuinities Counting in Development Choices


Individual Difference to the Poorest in the World


Importance of NGOs


Efficacy of Foreign Aid


Dialogue between Cultures



Resentments from being helped


Common People's Influence in Global Partnership for Development




World Citizenship


Government and Education



Dialogue between Cultures
