How do we Develop Programmes

How do we Evaluate Programmes?


Some Impact level Indicators identified by Oxfam GB for 5 sectors of intervention in Development Aid     

Aim 1 - Right to sustainable livelihood
% of people living above US$ 1 or 2 ppp day, disaggregated by gender
Women’s and men’s % share of household income
% of people engaged in waged employment that receives maternity/sick/overtime benefits, disaggregated by gender
% of people below minimum level of dietary energy consumption, disaggregated by gender
% of children under 5 years of age that are underweight, disaggregated by gender
Mean income of women and men in target areas
Aim 2 - Right to basic social services
Extent to which girls and boys experience an education that is gender equitable
Extent to which the national budget spend on education per pupil on education reaches the school
% of learners who are able to use their literacy and numeracy for activities they value outside the classroom
Salaries of teachers relative to other professions, disaggregated by gender
% of teachers that are female
Number of pupils showing awareness of HIV/AIDS
Number of well-functioning school governance and PTA structures
HIV prevalence among 15 – 24 year old pregnant women
% of national budget effectively spent on HIV & AIDS or health
% of people are able to cite at least two HIV prevention methods and express non-discriminatory attitudes to PLWHA
% of people have access to treatment, care, prevention and support services, including HBC
% HIV affected children that finish primary school
Aim 3 - Right to life and security
Risk of water and sanitation related diseases reduced
Documented consultation and participation of affected population (both men and women) at all stages in the project cycle
% of minimum staple food, livelihood and essential non-staple food household needs met
% of livelihoods protected and/or re-established 
Demonstrable changes in policy or practice by government bodies, UN or NGOs
NB. There are also a number of process indicators relating to Protection, Accountability, Gender, DRR, Conflict Sensitivity, Targeting, Timeliness and Appropriateness. Contact Vivien Walden for details.
Aim 4 - Right to be heard
% or women’s organisations that are perceived to have a  stronger voice (by self and others)
The extent to which decisions are perceived as being made in a clear and open manner
Degree to which rules are perceived as applying to everyone equally regardless of background
Degree of ownership and involvement that stakeholders have in the political system
Degree to which rules are formed and handled without humiliating or harming particular interest groups
Extent to which political actors are seen as acting responsibly and responsively in relation to their constituents
Aim 5 - Right to equity
% of women who, when questioned, state that they feel they are able to exercise choices over their own bodies and lives
Proportion of men/women that have taken an action against domestic violence
Cross-Aim indicators
Proportion of women participating in decision-making at community, regional, national levels
% of women who, when questioned, stated that they feel that they are able to influence social, economic and political processes