Measures to make teams more performing


performance review


In order to successfully meet the needs of a project, it is important to have a high-performing Project Team made up of individuals who are both technically skilled and motivated to contribute to the project’s outcome. One of the many responsibilities of a Project Manager is to enhance the ability of each Project Team member to contribute to the project, while also fostering individual growth and accomplishment. At the same time, each individual must be encouraged to share ideas and work with others toward a common goal.

The Project Manager, then, must be a leader, communicator, negotiator, influencer, and problem solver! The level of skills and competencies to successfully fill these roles helps distinguish good Project Managers from great ones. (see Required characteristics of the project manager)  

To maximize the successful performance of the Project Team, the Project Manager must do the following:

Getting work done in teams requires managing both the task (what we do) and the process (how we do it).  Some of the task related functions include fair work distribution.  This is important because team members would like to think the work is fairly shared.  Because effective teams also share in the rewards, unfair allocation of work will affect the team in a negative way.

Attention: do not confuse reviewing employee performance with project performance!

When monitoring and reporting the employee performance  you are comparing

·         what the individual employee has achieved and

·         what the individual was supposed to achieve (on the basis of the agreed employee performance objectives.

When monitoring and reporting the project performance you are comparing:

·         what the team  implementing a project plan has achieved (in terms of reaching the expected milestones and deliver the expected project outputs within the decided schedule and budget definitions) and

·         the expected achievements as stated in the project plan document.


See also




·         How to reach an agreement on the Employee Performance Objectives

·         How to manage motivated and effective teams

·         How to recognize if Team Building is successful

·         How to check the level of togetherness in a team

·         Seven Steps To Building A Team in the meeting

·         Why do organisations need to plan and manage their communication?

·         How team members can improve overall project communication

·         Measures to make teams more performing

·         Required characteristics of the project manager

·         The 10 Project Management Guiding Principles;