The Vrinda Handbook - Development and Aid - Actors and Other Stakeholders - Who is "on board" and why?
see General Index
See the issues:
Local development depends on the support (financial, infrastructure, basic services, technical) given by local authorities to improving the socio-economic conditions of the local population. This support depends on the investment capacity and the technical competence of local authorities and the extent to which it can engage people in local development. The financial capacity of the local government depends upon budget allocations from the national government, the revenue generated by and investment attracted to social and economic activities of the local population. The technical capacity of local actors depends on access to education and technical knowledge and updated global technologies and practices. The extent to which investment can be attracted depends on the local enabling environment including infrastructure, access to finance, legislations, etc. The more capable and empowered the local authorities and the more aware and engaged the community, the more effective will be the process of implementing and informing national development policies and plans.
Thus, in a global economy where it is possible to develop and benefit from
partnerships directly with counterparts across the world, local authorities
are interested in and can play a determinant role in fostering the achievement
of MDGs and ensuring sustained development for its peoples. And only when
national and local authorities share policies, plans and time lines to achieve
programs, can universal goals of the MDGs be achieved.
Local authorities in the European Union have been involved in decentralized
cooperation for over 20 years. The European Union increasingly supports global
partnerships for development among local public and private stakeholders and
development actors so that policy planning and implementation is suported at
the lowest level of governance. These actors include local governments, civil
society, academic institutes, trade unions, business and professional
associations, media. Through decentralized cooperation, the European
Commission intends providing development aid based on rights, needs and
priorities of people and strengthening the role of civil society and local
actors in development.
How can local governments enhance their contribution to the achievement of the
MDGs? This manual is intended as a tool to contribute to better understanding
the process and requirements for effective local contribution to the MDGs.
See the issue: NGOs as development actors: their role, their limits; their challenges
See aslo: