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Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
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Team Building Training

Take Steps Today to Improve Your Team Work

There are many ways to get people to work together. We use online psychological assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® to give your group factual insights into how your team functions. Your group will receive specific, written information about how they process information, make decisions, and like to be treated. You'll eliminate the guesswork and have support documents you can read to help retain what you've learned.

Skip the group hugs and games

If they have worked for you in the past, stay with what you like. If not, here's a different approach: use science instead of platitudes and "adproject/program." Sure, games are fun, but what do you take back to the office next week? Do you believe your team works together more efficiently after a day of running around in the woods? With a scientific approach, your group will be tested, then given specific, concrete, written instructions on how to improve.

Test first, train second

You'll use online assessments to understand the team members. Based on the knowledge gained from the tests, your training session is customized to match your group configuration. Usually you'll start with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Each group member is tested, then a composite report is prepared for the whole team. Here's an example of the team report each group member receives. Click here to view the sample team report. You'll see it's full of practical steps the individual can take to work better with the team. Both strengths and potential weaknesses are discussed, and ways to communicate better. Each member gets a personal Action Plan in his or her report. Suggestions for improving personal effectiveness, problem solving, and conflict resolution are also included in every report.

Team in conflict? Learn how to stop it

For those groups where conflict is the order of the day, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is used to assess each group member. Your training session is then tailored to your group make-up. This way, you are working with specific data and not generalities. You can focus on the exact causes of group tension and learn ways to reduce it. Read the sample TKI report to see how your group will benefit from this test. Click here to go to the TKI page.

Train your group on-site

The best way to help your group to work together better is through a live training session. You can have your training tailored to your specific circumstances. Using the information from the Myers-Briggs® and other assessment tools, your on site training can include those areas which are particularly hard for your group. Often, having an outside expert come in to discuss the tough issues makes it easier on all. People are less defensive, feel less of a need to justify themselves, and are more open to hearing suggestions. It shows management is proactive in improving the workplace. Recognizing a need and getting help shows concern, foresight, and an interest in the staff. Your training sessions will be a combination of lecture and practical exercises to make the lessons come alive. Contact to find out how your group can benefit from a personal training session. Click here to see a action sponsor/beneficiary list, or click here to read testimonials from some training sessions.

Want to get your personal online assessment?

You can use a number of online instruments to learn more about your team members. Click on the images to the left to visit the specific pages. If you're interested in the Myers-Briggs, click here. If you are interested in the FIRO-B™ Interpersonal Relations test, click here. If you are interested in the Leadership Report, click here. If you are interested in the Strong Interest Inventory®, click here. Each of these tests is available online at the test site. Your results arrive via e-mail, usually in an hour or two, depending on your time zone and the time of day.

©2002-2007 Brian Jones All rights reserved.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, and MBTI are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory is a registered trademark of Stanford University. The Strong logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc. FIRO-B is a trademark of CPP, Inc. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation - B is a trademark of CPP, Inc.