Myers-Briggs Personality Test Online
Strong Interest Inventory Career Test Online
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Better Business Bureau Online Reliability Program

Team Building Training

Increase your team effectiveness now

Sure, lots of people say teamwork is important to make any group function better. What's the difference between a buzz phrase and something practical your group can use every day? Talk is easy; what people really need are concrete steps they can take to build their team into a highly functioning unit. How can your group get these insights? The best way is to train your group in team building skills.

What are your team "rules"?

Every group has unwritten rules. People understand that some things are expected while others are to be avoided. Some examples are communication, cooperation, participation, leadership, and more. Still, despite the widespread nature of these preferences, people can be confused, misunderstood, and frustrated because things don't make sense. There is a better way: uncover the rules your group follows and make sure everyone understands them. How?

Test first, train second

Before we can develop team building skills, we have to know how we and others take in and process information, make decisions, and interact with others. The first step in this process is testing. We use the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. Each member of your group will take the Myers-Briggs® online so the team can learn each person's preferred style of interaction. We can then prepare a team report for each member. Click here to see a sample team report. You'll notice how much information each report provides. Each group member will receive written, concrete, specific steps he or she can take to improve team work.

Train your group on-site

The best way to help your group to work together better is through a live training session. You can have your training tailored to your specific circumstances. Using the information from the Myers-Briggs, your on site training can include those areas which are particularly hard for your group. Often, having an outside expert come in to discuss the tough issues makes it easier on all. People are less defensive, feel less of a need to justify themselves, and are more open to hearing suggestions. It shows management is proactive in improving the workplace. Recognizing a need and getting help shows concern, foresight, and an interest in the staff. Your training sessions will be a combination of lecture and practical exercises to make the lessons come alive. Team building is a skill; any skill must be practiced to be mastered. Contact to find out how your group can benefit from a personal training session. Click here to see a action sponsor/beneficiary list, or click here to read testimonials from some training sessions.

Want to learn more about your personality or career options?

You can take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) and the Strong Interest Inventory® and other tests online at the main test site. Your results will arrive via e-mail, usually within an hour or two. Click on the images to the left or on the links below. To learn more about the Myers-Briggs, click here. To learn more about the Strong, click here. To learn about the FIRO-B™ Interpersonal Relations test, click here. Or visit the main page at