Team Conflict Management

Small Group Dynamics and Team Building

How communication works



While we mostly dislike conflict, for most task groups an unstructured, laissez-faire, or conflict-free climate is not effective.  Too much conflict can also inhibit group effectiveness.  When properly managed, conflict, like adversity, can serve to strengthen team bonds.



      Four Basic Steps for Resolving Conflict

      Timing and Other Hints

      Guidelines for Effective Listening During a Conflict

Managing conflict is more challenging than increasing participation or shifting influence.

Be careful not to ‘blame’ the individuals involved in the conflict.  Rather see expressed conflict as a ‘GROUP’ dynamics issue, not an interpersonal issue. 

If the group is avoiding conflict in general or avoiding conflict about core/key issues, you might comment about what the group is avoiding and suggest setting aside some time to deal with it.

 Most work groups in organizations have norms that allow mostly positive feelings to be expressed.  They may also allow controlled disagreement; disagreement without anger.  The problem with this is that negative emotions that are suppressed usually erupt later when the person who suppressed their anger gets back at the group by attacking another person’s idea, regardless of the idea's merit.  Moreover the attack is usually disguised as a substantive or procedural issue.  It is thus usually more effective to deal with the anger directly in the first place using a constructive confrontation strategy.  Effective team leaders model and/or encourage such conflict management maturity.



      Four Basic Steps for Resolving Conflict

      Timing and Other Hints

      Guidelines for Effective Listening During a Conflict


C.  Addressing Resitance

Identifying resitance

 Case Study:  Managers as the Enemy

Addressing the Belief that Change has been Handled Improperly

Addressing the Belief that Change will fail