Programme operations includes :
Managing and supporting project managers
Integrating the different projects in the unitary programme framework (as set in the programme plan).
Program management is the process of managing a program that is made up by multiple inter-dependent projects. It includes direction in designing, implementing, evaluating and integrating the projects. Program Management also reflects the emphasis on co-ordinating and prioritising resources across projects, departments and partners, to ensure that resource allocation is efficiently managed and that work methods are in line with the organizational culture.
Programmes are implemented through projects. In a sense the "projects" can be considered as the "activities" of a programme (that is why sometimes projects are also called "actions"). The difference is that while the activities of a project are defined when the project is planned, projects (i.e. program actions) are developed later, once the programme was broadly defined. Program management provides a layer above project management establishing a framework where projects can be run successfully, but leaving project management to the project management teams. (See also: the 3 level hierarchy of project/programme objectives; and clarifying the relationship: Responsibilities of Project Managers and programme Managers)).
Programme operations therefore includes :
Managing and supporting project managers
Integrating the different projects in the unitary programme framework (as set in the programme plan).
Governance Programs need to define a clear framework and supervision for the organizational activities (projects). Project managers co-ordinate individual projects are overseen by the Program Manager, who accounts to the donors community and to the Board of Directors of the organisation.
Finances: Tracking of finances is an important part of Program Management; programme costs includes, besides the sum of the project costs, wider costs of administering the program.
Infrastructure and Logistics: Decisions on infrastructure influence the cost and success of the program.
Integration: Each project plan needs to be consistent with the wider programme plan.
Managing a programme cycle is a coordinated effort to link knowledge, activities and communication amongst all programme stakeholders. Through programme management the organization reflects while operates, act as a result of reflection and think over the results of actions, continuously checking that the human resources employed in the programmes/projects are learning and are empowered while they cooperate with one another to achieve the program/project objectives. In understanding the indications for a New Action, the organisation unties theory and practice with learning on past Action.
The programme evaluation will lead to a decision whether to end the organization involvement with a programme or to start a new cycle of programme management.
Note: In the development activities program management generally follows the cycle approach, that utilizes as a basic management tool: the logical framework.
See also
The Country Programme Manager and the other Professional figures of the Programme Team
Competence in Programme Managers also requires knowledge of the 9 topic areas of project management knowledge, i.e.: Integration, Scope, Time , Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication , Risk, Procurement.
Other Resources
IDCR : Preparing Program Objectives
Europe Aid: Europe Aid: PCM Manual
The Practical PM: Program management resource for program managers.
The International Association of Project & Program Management
EU Commission’s project main phases,
PCM as conceived by Oxfam
Governance: Programs need to define a clear framework and supervision for the organizational activities (projects) because project activities have an impact on the social context where they are implemented as well as on the organisation image and on its work culture.
Management: Project managers who co-ordinate individual projects are overseen by the Program Manager, who accounts to the donors community and to the Board of Directors of the organisation.
Finances: Tracking of finances is an important part of Program Management; programme costs includes, besides the sum of the project costs, wider costs of administering the program.
Infrastructure: Decisions on infrastructure influence the cost and success of the program.
Planning: Each project plan needs to be consistent with the wider programme plan.
A good programme design will also give answers to the following questions:
What is the cultural and policy approach that is
expected to be used in the implementation methodology
How shall we have an impact?
What is the expected quality standard and how to achieve it?
How will the project or programme be monitored, evaluated and
its impact measured?
How do we
Evaluate Programmes?
How will the organization learn from the programme?
Integrating learning in the Programme Cycle Management
How are cross-sectoral issues of development considered in the
Integrating Gender issues into
Programme Cycle Management
HIV/AIDS issues into Programme
Cycle Management
Participatory Approach and Transparency to Development Actions and Policies